
It is based on and inspired by Everest Pipkin's screenshot garden.
I found the domain name, screenshot.garden, on the 12th of September, 2024 while searching for screenshot gardens on are.na.
In 2021, it was owned by someone who was also inspired by Everest Pipkin's screenshot garden!
This website is built with the assistance of ChatGPT using eleventy, Github & Netlify. If you're interested, here's a longer explanantion of the building process.
Everest Pikpin wrote a guide about how to build a screenshot garden on Neocities if you're using a Mac or Linux system. The OG screenshot.garden was created using "a variation of a bash script written by Brian Crabtree".
If you have or know any screenshot gardens that I can add to this list, please let me know by emailing: samanthariegl (at) gmail (dot) com